Monday, 12 November 2012

Telephone System: Part 1

Hi All! Hope we're having a good day.

This is a video I put together of a telephone system created in UDK. There's no real need for me to ramble here, other than to say press play! Oh and I'm a bit ill on the video, you'll have to excuse me...

As said in the video, more will be coming.

I'm also working on a bit of a music based game, but it's still in the design stages at the moment. I'll reveal more information when I get something substantial together.


Wednesday, 7 November 2012


You know, it's funny.

I can sit here all day thinking of these great ideas for these little projects I could do for game audio, scheming up ways to create things from footstep systems to a whole game idea. But what am I doing with them?

I currently hold a full time job which is (only for my own lack of motivation) holding me back on completing these projects. Sure, I've started plenty and even got some systems, but I'm not really getting anywhere with them.

But hang on Alex. You don't NEED to 'create' these projects. The ideas behind them are just as good a tool as the product, right? I mean, if I was to lay down these thoughts, rambles and sketches, surely that would fuel the fire of productivity? Surely this should have been something I was doing from the start...

So that's exactly what I'm going to do. And I think i'll do it in text and Vlog posts. Just now I've been thinking about some crazy game audio ideas for a full game that involves short puzzles to make sure a song can continue to play, but that's a story for another post. Or Vlog.

This is a very exciting time for me. I may not be in the game industry, but I sure as heck aren't going to leave it at that. I'm just getting started, and can see a very bright path ahead.

 That's the reason for the title, I'm a very optimistic person. I believe that if you work hard for something and you do good work, it will pay off. So lets get to work!
